🏰 Castle Owners:US: No ownerSG: ArcadiA

Infraction1st Occurrence2nd Occurrence
Botting1 month blockPermanent block
Multi-client1 week block1 month block
False Accusation1 week block1 month block
Use of obscene/offensive language1 week block1 month block
Disrespect to GMs and the staff1 week blockPermanent block
ImpersonationPermanent block
Annoy1 week block1 month block
Discrimination1 month blockPermanent block
Misconduct1 week block1 month block
Clan misconduct (group of 5+)Notice to leader1 week block (leader)
Inappropriate character name1 week block + name changed1 month block + name changed
Inappropriate pet name1 week block + name changed1 month block + name changed
Game or website bug abuse / scam1 week block1 month block
Hacks/CheatsPermanent block